Student Life
Housing & Dining

Home away from home
More than 90% of first-year students choose to live on campus, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get fully immersed in the Maryland community. On-campus Terps are near all that the University of Maryland has to offer: events, clubs, sports, leadership opportunities, UMD employment and much more. New experiences, meaningful memories and lifelong friends await!
A Peek Inside
Terps make their residence hall rooms their own.

Pyon-Chen Hall
North Campus
Denton Community
La Plata Hall - triple room

Living-Learning programs
Terps explore their passions, make connections with others and delve beyond what they learn in their majors in UMD’s 27 living-learning programs. We pioneered the concept, in which students with a similar interest live together in the same residence hall.

dining halls
convenience shops
Maryland Dining operates dining halls, cafes, convenience shops, concession stands and a restaurant on campus. Terps can also enjoy popular franchises like Panera and Chik-fil-A in food courts. From vegan cuisine to comfort food, students can find a wide variety of delicious, healthy selections made fresh.

A housing database and lease-signing and security checklists are among the free resources offered by this office.

UMD’s recognized Greek-life organizations include 55 social fraternities and sororities, 19 of which are culturally based.

Students, faculty and staff experiencing food insecurity are welcome to take what they need at the pantry, which also features a teaching kitchen.

Once made from the milk of campus cows, Maryland Dairy ice cream is a delicious century-old tradition. Popular custom flavors include Fear the Turtle and Kermit's Kiss.